Transmission has tentatively resumed

According to my stats I haven’t blogged for over two months – to be honest it feels longer!

Have been processing this new ‘non-working’ life and actually haven’t been able to put the journey in words. I haven’t been able to even look at all the blogs I love to read cos they just made me feel bad about not writing anything!

I have been in a bit of a limbo-like state –  I’m not sure what this new phase looks like, or how to describe it to people. I’m not retired, but I’m not working either. Choosing not to be in paid employment is such a luxury these days that I feel bad about admitting it. I have picked up a couple of volunteer days, partly so I have something to say when I’m asked what I do. Having said that – I’m really enjoying my volunteer work, especially at the SPCA.

Somewhere in the process of feeling like everything is shifting and not quite knowing where I fit at the moment, I lost sight of why I started this blog (and several other projects that are also not progressing anywhere fast.) A paradigm shift as to how I spend my time is very necessary. It’s going to take a lot more discipline on my part than I envisaged. Being one of the world’s great procrastinators is not helping (I’m looking at you Monster Busters).

I have spent an huge amount of time thinking about what happens now. I have pretty much said to myself and God that everything is open for change  if necessary. I do feel a it like the clichéd chrysalis at the moment. Have no idea if I will come out as a butterfly or a moth though, or how long it will take.

At the same time life  is still rocketing along – our latest grandchild is now three months old and it’s been great to get to hang out with him a lot. Our youngest has finished his first year at Cambridge and has been rewarded with a ‘First’ for the year (proud mum moment). We are just over 6 weeks from embarking on our big 8-week overseas adventure where we will start by catching up with him as he interns for the summer in San Francisco. Bit of a travel flavour to blogging coming up I think!

To all of you who have been kind enough to follow my fledging blog, my apologies for dropping the ball. I do have a lot of ideas jotted down in a file so hopefully I will start to be able to get some of them out finally.

It’s good to finally write something again – and now I need to catch up on all of the blog entries I have missed!


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