Sunday night frittata

We do our very best on Sunday nights to cook only with what’s in the fridge/pantry – which can mean some interesting dinners. One of my go-tos is a frittata as it is incredibly forgiving to creative and unusual combinations of ingredients.

This week I assembled some slightly shrivelled mushrooms, a few overripe tomatoes, kale and herbs from the vege jungle,a red onion, some potatoes and a block of halloumi I had bought and forgotten to use.

While chopping things up I also discovered the bonus of a couple of chorizo.

Kale, Chorizo and Halloumi Frittata

olive oil
1 red onion
handful mushrooms (optional)
2-3 small chorizo
three medium potatoes (can also use sweet potato)
4-6 eggs
herbs – I used thyme and rosemary
salt and pepper
halloumi cheese
bunch of kale (or spinach, chard etc), washed and chopped
tomatoes (enough to put a few slices on the top of the fritatta)

Peel and chop potatoes and boil until just cooked through. They will cook a little more in the frittata but not much so you want them to be soft but not falling apart. While they are  cooking, heat some olive oil in a large oven-proof pan and saute onion, mushrooms and chorizo.

Drain potatoes thoroughly and add to the pan. Continue frying gently for around 5 minutes. If your potatoes are a little hard you can extend this phase.

Whisk up eggs and add any herbs you are using, salt and pepper. If you need to extend the dish but only have a limited number of eggs you can add a little milk or cream.

Add a little more olive oil  to the pan, if necessary, turn the heat up and pour egg mixture evenly into hot pan. turn heat back to low and simmer at  for about 5 minutes to set the base.

Spread chopped kale evenly on top and then cover with slices of halloumi and tomato.

just before oven

Put under the grill until halloumi is golden and egg mixture is firm (about 10 minutes).

finished fritatta1