Change is afoot

Oh my goodness, so much has happened since I last blogged that I feel like a year has gone past when really it’s only a couple of months.  I have got out of the habit due to so many other things going on. But no excuses now life has slowed down again for  a bit (theoretically).

Life has been gloriously chaotic over the last few months – more overseas travel, Christian’s graduation from Cambridge, selling our house, finally moving into our newly renovated heritage home (with the space to put together a serious home produce garden), lots of photographs to edit, grandchildren to knit for, a wedding to plan…work in the traditional sense is not really a viable option at the moment!

Amongst other things, I’m thinking this means a bit of a blog re-organisation. There are three things I think I want to focus on –

I am keen to document the progress of our productive garden and also our attempts to be more environmentally friendly in our daily lives so that is a section I will be introducing.

Very new, very empty – for now

We have a fabulous kitchen in our new house, so keen to try out some recipes  (hopefully using  edibles from our garden).

Lots of potential here

Finally,  I am looking at setting up a second blog just for my travel and photography work. Our  wonderful youngest has designed a watermark for me for my birthday this year and I now have it ready to use. I have just done my first shoot of a new local cafe for a local newspaper (unpaid but free promotion 🙂 )

Fabric cakes
Fabric Cafe, Hobsonville Point


I’m starting to feel like I am getting a bit of a handle on this new more flexible lifestyle. Still feels weird to not be out working in a traditional sense, but I’m starting to feel more productive and can see lots of potential ahead if I am prepared to lean in, take a few creative risks and discipline myself to see what I do as worthwhile.

On that note, I’ll get some images up from our wonderful adventure in Croatia and the UK later this week.

10 thoughts on “Change is afoot

    1. Lol. Yes probably a bit of a subtle connection but we have played around with other words for Silver often on our family 🙂
      So happy with our new house and kitchen.
      Went to the opening of the community garden – so cool! I’m sure we can share ideas both ways.
      Love your blog btw❤️


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